Clover's Movie

Prophecy or Paranoia?

A story about freedom in America.

based on a story by Danaan McKerry.

Is the character of Jonathan Day McGinnis (Jamey McGinnis's father) in Clover's Movie prophetic, or simply paranoid?

Complete this sentence using the word "because" in the middle of your writing:

"Clover's Movie is c..."..."because..."

Which characters are believable and which are not?

 by July 4, 2005 and get 20% off of a clover's movie DVD.

For registered participants, please submit your Answer HERE with your name and membership number

and we will reply by July 4, 2004 with your standing in this international contest.

Winners will receive a diploma and a copy of the readers/viewers All entries must be written in English.

If you are selected as a winner in one of the three top places (Gold, Silver or Bronze),

your name and school name will be Posted HERE on July 4, 2004.

Names of runners-up and their schools will also appear on that site.

NOTE: For privacy reasons, your name can be omitted if the box releasing your right of publicity is left unchecked on your registration form.


Decisions of the Judges will be final.  If anyone has any difficulty living peacefully with that decision, please contact us HERE.  


Danaan McKerry

Blackwater Bridge Post Office

Killarney, County Kerry

Ireland  /  Eire